International Boarding School

Ten questions for our notable alumna Katja Koschade-Huber

1) What have you been up to since you left Rosenberg?

After I graduated 1984 with my German Abitur I stayed at Rosenberg for another year being the „Hausmutter“. Then I earned my Diploma at the „Centre International de Glion“ in Hotel Management, worked for several years in the hotel business and hospital management. For about 15 years I have been working in the real estate business as a property manager and helping my husband who is a medical doctor in his pratice. I also have two wonderful daughters (22 and 19 years old).

2) What was the best thing about your time at Rosenberg?

Meeting so many different people from different countries and never having any problems with different cultures or different religions.

3) Which is your favourite city?

Munich , I live here, it is nice in summer and in winter, not far from Italy, Switzerland and Austria.

4) What is your favourite spot to hang out?

Anywhere – if it is together with nice people.

5) Which place that you have never been to, is on top of your list to visit?

Australia – heard so many things and saw great pictures and would love to meet the alumni of my Rosenberg time, who live there now.

6) Looking back at your own school time, what advice do you have for current Rosenberg students?

Make the best out of it, even many years later (in my case more than 30 years ;-) ). You will notice that it was the best time of your life.

7) Which person inspires you?

Frau Schmid, being a person full of empathy and discipline.

8) What is precious to you?

My daughters and my health.

9) What are your projects for the future?

Finding a good balance between work and free time for travelling.

10) Complete this sentence: "To learn to live is…“

a lifetime full of learning.